Maternity Care


We can assist you when you are planning to get pregnant, conduct necessary initial investigations and provide support for maternal mental health. If you are pregnant, this service will make sure your first antenatal visit is handled expertly, and you can even access advice before becoming pregnant. Our gynae service includes prenatal care, contraception, menstrual abnormalities, chronic pelvic pain and menopause. You will be provided with a friendly service that you will feel comfortable accessing regularly.

How we can help?

Any signs of coughing or wheezing that last more than a few days should be evaluated medically as treating asthma early can prevent long-term lung damage. Asthma treatments generally involve preventer medications used every day, and quick-relief inhalers that are used when asthma strikes. If you find yourself relying on quick relief inhalers more than three times a week, your asthma is not under control and you should have it reviewed.

